I was asked to create portraits of Billy Porter and 11 “Everyday Cinderella’s” in collboration with Mercedes-Benz and Refinery29. Produced by VICE in promotion with Billy's role in the new Cinderella movie, starring Camila Cabello. For this production, XR Technology was used - which combined real-and-virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions. With this technology the production was able to shoot locations and interactions with environments that related to the Cinderella movie and locations all over New York City.
“Billy Porter extends his dream-making duties offscreen as he hosts the "Dressed for a Dream" livestream created in partnership between Refinery29 and Mercedes-Benz, in which 11 "everyday Ellas" are swept off the street and onto the runway. Ahead of his appearance at the fantasy fashion event of the year, Refinery29 sat down with Porter to talk clothes as armor, his personal fairy godmothers, and how to remind yourself of your own power when you're dealing with evil stepsisters (or the equivalent).”